Night Speaks to a Woman
Night Speaks to a Woman has not been seen in 2035 Phish shows.
It has not yet been performed live.
It was played at 0% of live shows.
Music/Lyrics: Anastasio, Marshall
Original Artist: Trey Anastasio
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Albums: Trey Anastasio, Plasma
(Anastasio, Marshall)
© Who Is She? Music, BMI
I know a princess
with one foot in the fire
Two steps from the water's edge
she rides three sheets to the wind
who whispers that
I know a girl who's walking on a wire
Balanced in the air conditioned
breeze that blows
The wind chimes tells me that
I know a woman with whom I conspire
Lawlessness abounds
Just listen to the sounds
as the night speaks to a woman
I once knew
Oh... night speaks!
I know a queen who loved me for a week
Said more from one through four
by seven she would hardly speak
But through words in a book
she never let me see
Stashed it high up on my shelf
and never made me doubt myself
Until reading the words
the section that I seek
Inside I see a tiny piece of me
spread out on the pages I once knew
Lawlessness abounds
Just listen to the sounds
as the night speaks to a woman
I once knew
Like water on the breeze
The night speaks to a woman
Like water on the breeze
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