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Soundcheck: Back at the Chicken Shack, Catapult, Jam
Set 1: Soul Planet Possum Mellow Mood Tube Funky Bitch Ocelot Keeping It Real My Friend, My Friend[1] Horn Maze Miss You Run Like an Antelope
Set 2: 46 Days Tweezer Golden Age Steam A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing Gotta Jibboo Suzy Greenberg Character Zero
Encore: The Horse Silent in the Morning Tweezer Reprise
[1] No "Myfe" ending.
Notes: Mellow Mood was played for the first time since August 9, 2011 (257 shows). MFMF didn't contain the "Myfe" ending. Golden Age began with Manteca teases.
This show was part of the "2018 Summer Tour."